Smartphone and tablet consumer survey

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hi everyone, I have been trying to understand the basic difference between a smartphone and a tablet. I found both of them to be more or less equal in all respect except the screen size. But I still don't understand the usability of tablet when there is apparently no hardware and software difference between these two devices. Therefore I framed ten (10) simple questions to understand it better. I request you all to take 2 mins to fill up the following questions and help me .

I will surely give out the collected data in my blog after I get ample answers.

Please note , I have created this survey not for any profit but as an endeavor to understand the trend of present smartphone and tablet market.

You will see the live analysis of this survey down below. The results speaks a lot. Just fill your views and see.

Results of the survey Thank you for your feedbacks. Although the number of feedbacks are less , still you can guage apparently what does a smart-phone consumer wants. See it with your own eyes. I already have an idea to create something based on this survey. :) Click to see the results
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