Respite from my daily life

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It has been long long back that I had written my last post. I have always tried to post something new, but there was really no urge and respite from my daily life to express my feelings about my ups and downs in life.

Life can be best explained by a book of blank pages, everyday you add a new story in each blank page, only to see that the story line has changed in itself a lot on the next page. It is nothing but a testimony to the fact that everything like our childhood , love affairs , breakups, etc. are only ephemeral. They doesn't last long. Every incident in your life that makes a mark in your heart and mind shall only leave a thin layer of memory that will fade away once you move on. And so if you are now grieving for being hurt or if you are rejoicing in your success ,make sure that it is your transcendental state of mind. Neither the pain nor the euphoria lasts long. I am saying these because I totally accede to this fact that every incident in my life has refined my thoughts and views and are still continuously training me for a better and stronger 'me'.

I hope that now you can interpolate that things have changed in my life and so I have some more thoughts and views in my back to share.

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